Join us for a FREE hands-on Meetup webinar on Building Responsible GAI Solutions with Azure OpenAI, DALLE (AI102) | Thursday, October 18th · 5:00 PM IST/ 7:30 AM EST Join us for a FREE hands-on Meetup webinar on Building Responsible GAI Solutions with Azure OpenAI, DALLE (AI102) | Thursday, October 18th · 5:00 PM IST/ 7:30 AM EST
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OpenShift with AWS

Building and Managing Modern Applications


5 days


Intermediate Level

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This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and skills to build, deploy, and manage modern applications using OpenShift on the AWS cloud platform. You’ll gain a deep understanding of OpenShift architecture, containerization concepts, and best practices for integrating OpenShift with AWS services for enhanced scalability, security, and efficiency.

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  • Cloud developers and architects
  • DevOps engineers
  • System administrators
  • IT professionals looking to leverage OpenShift and AWS for containerized application development
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  • Understanding containerization and its benefits
  • Introduction to OpenShift architecture (control plane, worker nodes)
  • OpenShift vs. Kubernetes: Key differences and integration
  • Benefits of using OpenShift on AWS (ROSA)
  • Introduction to AWS services for container orchestration (ECS, EKS)
  • Integrating OpenShift with AWS resources (storage, networking, security)
  • Managing OpenShift clusters using AWS tools and services
  • Cost optimization strategies for OpenShift deployments on AWS
  • Docker basics: Building, pushing, and pulling container images
  • Container registries (public vs. private) for image management
  • Understanding container orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes core concepts: pods, deployments, services
  • Different approaches for migrating applications to OpenShift
  • Lift-and-shift migration: Considerations and challenges
  • Replatforming and re-architecting applications for containerized environments
  • Planning and executing successful application migrations to OpenShift
  • Understanding deployment strategies in OpenShift
  • Blue-green deployments: Zero downtime application updates
  • Canary deployments: Controlled rollouts for risk mitigation
  • Rolling updates: Gradual upgrades for minimal disruption
  • Implementing monitoring solutions for OpenShift clusters (Prometheus)
  • Integrating with AWS CloudWatch for centralized logging and monitoring
  • Using Elasticsearch and Kibana for advanced log analysis and visualization
  • Securing OpenShift deployments: Network policies and pod security policies
  • Managing user access with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
  • Leveraging AWS IAM for robust identity and access management
  • Securing container images and registries
  • Configuring OpenShift clusters for high availability
  • Utilizing AWS Auto Scaling groups for cluster scaling
  • Implementing Elastic Load Balancing for fault tolerance and distribution
  • Best practices for scaling applications and infrastructure on AWS
  • Common issues encountered with OpenShift on AWS and troubleshooting techniques
  • Optimizing OpenShift deployments for performance and resource efficiency
  • Monitoring metrics and identifying performance bottlenecks
  • Introduction to CI/CD pipelines with OpenShift
  • Integrating automation tools like Ansible and Jenkins
  • Utilizing GitOps practices for infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Automating deployments and infrastructure management on OpenShift using AWS services
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  • Basic understanding of cloud computing concepts
  • Familiarity with Linux operating systems
  • Prior experience with scripting languages (optional)


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