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Business Analytics For Managers

Use MS Excel To Your Business Advantage


5 Days


Basic Level

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This course provides an overview of Business Analytics using a hands-on approach using one of the most popular Analytics tools in the industry, viz. MS-Excel. This part would cover MS Excel from the basics to point where the learners can make meaningful and actionable Analytics Dashboards in MS Excel.

The Course also covers integrating MS Excel with another powerful tool from Office 365 suite – MS PowerPoint – to help managers and analysts present the findings in a powerful and meaningful manner. We will cover the basics of making a good presentation along with the Dos and Don’ts.

The course will end with an end-to-end analysis experience with a hands-on capstone project to demonstrate the learning and boost learner confidence.

During this instructor-led, hands-on course, you will learn to:

  • Understand the need for and jargon of Analytics
  • Know the most common Analytics tools and their usage
  • Prepare and maintain Excel spreadsheets
  • Perform data analysis using sorting and filtering 
  • Using basic formulas and functions in Excel
  • Perform data mining using conditional statements
  • Perform basic analysis with What-If analysis tools
  • Create references between tables and search for information with Lookup functions
  • Perform data analysis using PivotTables
  • Secure data and structure of excel files using Protection feature
  • Automate work using macros and VBA
  • Use MS PowerPoint to create powerful presentations
  • Complete a capstone project with a presentation of the summary of your analysis
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  • Business managers who are frequent users of MS Excel
  • Business Analysts who are interested in this simple yet powerful tool
  • New hires in roles similar to that of Analysts, Customer Success Managers, Business Development Executives
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  • Business Analytics
      • What is Business Analytics?
      • Types of Analytics
      • Use Case: Understanding Data Analytics in Financial Domain
      • Demystifying terms and technologies
      • Common Tools and Applications
        • Python, R, MS-Excel, Tableau, Power BI etc.
  • Introduction to MS Excel
    • Importance of Spreadsheets for analyzing structured content
    • Pros & Cons of MS-Excel vs some RDBMS
    • Getting started with MS-Excel
    • Excel Core – User Interface, Sheets, Navigation Controls
      • Layout, navigation and ribbon
    • Data entry and simple formatting
  • Formatting the data
      • Formatting Cells
      • Changing data types
  • Cell Referencing
      • Cells and Ranges
      • Addressing Modes – Relative, Absolute, and Mixed
      • Naming ranges – Names Manager
  • Performing Calculations using Formulae
      • Arithmetic Operators
      • Comparison Operators
      • Text Concatenation Operators
      • Reference Operators
  • Common Excel Functions
    • Common Text functions – LEN, CONCAT, FIND, LEFT, MID, RIGHT, TRIM, etc.
    • Common Date functions – DATE, NOW, TODAY, DATEVALUE, DATEDIFF, etc.
    • Common Logical functions – AND, OR, NOT, etc.
  • Filtering and Sorting data
      • Auto Filter
      • Advanced Filters
      • Custom Sorting options
  • Conditional Logic and Formatting
      • Logic Tests, Conditional Operations, Nested-if
      • Conditional Formatting
        • Highlighting cells
        • Top/Bottom Analysis
        • Data Bars
        • Color Scales or Heat Maps
        • Formula-based conditional formatting
  • Working with Graphs and Charts
      • Sparklines
      • Charts and Graphs
      • Combo Charts
      • Analytical Charts
  • Working with multiple worksheets & workbooks
  • Data from External Sources
    • Text or CSV files
    • Scraping Web data
    • Other Data Sources
  • What-if Analysis
      • Scenario Manager
      • Goal Seek
      • Data Table
  • Data Validation and Other tools
      • Limiting data at entry
      • Working with formulas for validation
      • Converting delimited text to Tabular Data
  • Automatic Lookups
  • Data Analysis using Pivot Table and Pivot Charts
  • Formula Auditing and Protection
  • Automating Work with Macros
    • Recording and Running Macros
    • Creating Dynamic Dashboards using Macros and VBA
  • Storytelling with MS PowerPoint
      • Presenting in MS-Powerpoint
      • Summarizing the Analysis and presenting a report
      • Dos and Don’ts of good presentation
      • Incorporating Excel results in Powerpoint
      • Keys of effective presentation
  • Capstone Project

The best way to learn Excel is to use Excel. In this course, learners will solve a broad range of business problems as they apply the Excel skills and techniques they learn along the way. This course will use downloadable Excel workbooks and full data sets with applied examples and practical challenge exercises. This provides learners with countless opportunities to practice their Excel skills while discovering new and useful productivity features of Excel for a variety of business contexts.

  • Demonstrating the learning


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The course assumes a basic understanding of Computer and Internet. A prior knowledge of Office Automation tools like MS Word would come handy. The course uses one of the latest versions of Excel for all its labs.


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