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Docker Fundamentals

Build, run, and deploy your applications anywhere using the World’s leading software container platform.


3 Days


Beginner Level

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“Docker Fundamental” course focuses on a pragmatic introduction to the topic. The idea behind this course is to give a high-level overview of key technologies in Docker and it’s Orchestration including Docker, Docker Swarm and Docker Compose.

The course delves down deeper into Container Management through Docker, Docker Swarm and Docker Compose. It preaches the best practices related to Building, Shipping and Deploying applications through Containers.

This course is setting up context and background for participants.

  • Know what Docker are and how does they work
  • Deploy your own application with Docker/Docker Compose
  • Deploy your own application with Docker Swarm
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The intended audience for this course:

  • Application Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Architects
  • System Engineers
  • Technical Managers
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  • DevOps Overview
  • What are Containers?
  • Containers in Software Delivery Pipeline
  • Brief History about Containers
  • Challenges with Monolithic Applications
  • Why Containers?
  • What is Container Orchestration?
  • Container Management Solutions
  • Docker Platform
  • Introduction to Lab environment
  • Installing Docker Platform
  • Introduction to Docker Registry
  • About Docker Hub
  • Working with Docker Images
  • Key Docker Commands
  • Experiencing first Docker Container
  • Bash into your Docker container
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • More on Docker Images
  • Enterprise Docker Registry
  • Ways to create Docker Images
  • Dissecting Docker Files Structure
  • How to run local Docker Registry?
  • Interacting with Registry
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Understanding Structure of a Modern Java EE Application
  • Walkthrough of Docker File
  • Building Image from source code
  • Interacting with Docker Hub
  • Deploying Application
  • Stopping and Removing Application
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Understanding Networking Basics
  • Linking Containers
  • DNS Integration
  • Need for State Management
  • Concept of Volumes
  • Jenkins Example
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Debugging Containers Overview
  • Using Eclipse IDE for debugging
  • Jenkins Integration
  • Monitoring Containers
  • Logging
  • Visualization/UI for Containers
  • Scaling and Resiliency
  • Rolling Updates
  • Configuration Management
  • Best Practices and Anti-patterns
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Advantages of Docker on Cloud
  • Key Options
  • Docker Machine
  • Azure support for Docker
  • Azure Basic Concepts
  • Quick Demo of Docker on Azure
  • How to deploy Multi-Tier Application?
  • Multi-Container Management Options
  • Key Options
  • Key Considerations for choosing framework
  • Overview
  • Installation of Docker Compose
  • Docker Compose Configuration File
  • Building a Multi-Container Application
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Overview
  • Installation of Docker Swarm
  • Architecture and Terminology
  • Docker Swarm Configuration File
  • Building a Multi-Container Application
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
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Participants should preferably have basic knowledge of Unix/Linux commands.


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