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Introduction to Terraform

Explore open-source infrastructure as code that provide consistent workflow to manage hundreds of Cloud Services


3 Days


Basic Level

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This introductory course demonstrates the power & flexibility of the Terraform provisioning system. This course begins with providing learning on how to express infrastructure across multiple teams within an enterprise to students. After this, we will dive deep into how to leverage Terraform to audit infrastructure information programmatically and enable change management as well as deploy reusable and consistent infrastructure. The course will commence with using real-world examples related to learning about how Terraform can be used to manage AWS applications as small as a few EC2 instances or as large as multi-regional applications.

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  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Technical Manager 
  • Web Developer
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  • Project Structure
  • Commands
  • Resources
  • Various Data Sources
  • Variable & Providers
  • State/Remote State (backends)
  • Workspaces in Terraform
  • Outputs
  • Various Modules
  • Configuration drift
  • Drift: Use Cases
  • Refresh command
  • Importing existing resources
  • Configuration Management vs Provisioning
  • Provisioners vs Providers
  • Tainting
  • Files
  • Local Execution
  • Remote Execution
  • File Upload
  • Terminologies
  • Templates
  • Builders 
    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Others
  • Provisioners
  • Post-processors
  • Packer with AWS
  • Packer with Containers
  • Packer with Virtual Box
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