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Working with Ansible

Learn provisioning, configuring, and deploying applications by enabling infrastructure as code.


2 Days


Basic Level

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The course demonstrates the flexibility and power of Ansible configuration management systems and how we can use it to build and scale it to highly-reliable infrastructure environments. This course starts with real-world examples for demonstrating how Ansible can be used to manage the environment, or for highly distributed infrastructure which spans the globe. After this, we will provide hands-on experience in building a reliable and easily reproducible infrastructure using Ansible. In the end, we would be integrating Ansible into the operations workflow. 

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  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Software Developer 
  • System Administrator
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  • What is DevOps
  • What is Ansible 
  • Comparing various automation tools
  • What is Hosts Inventory? 
  • Hosts and Groups 
  • Host/Group Variables 
  • Dynamic Inventory
  • Grouping Hosts with Patterns 
  • Ansible Host Patterns & Roles 
  • Building Patterns 
  • Running one time tasks/commands 
  • Running commands in parallel
  • Introduction to Ansible Playbooks 
  • Plays 
  • Tasks 
  • Actions
  • Modules 
  • Playbook Roles and Include Statements 
  • Directory Layout for Modules 
  • Notifications and Handlers
  • Variables and Templates 
  • Variables and Facts 
  • Variable Precedence 
  • Registered Variables 
  • Using Dynamic Content with Templates 
  • Templates Overview 
  • Modules Deep Dive 
  • What are Ansible Modules 
  • Types of Modules 
  • Writing Modules
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Basic understanding of Linux/Unix system concepts and familiarity with Command Line Interface (CLI)


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