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Deep Dive into Apache Pulsar: Architecture, APIs, and Best Practices

Build Scalable and Reliable Messaging Pipelines


4 Days (8 hours per day)


Intermediate Level

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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Apache Pulsar, a distributed pub-sub messaging system designed for high throughput, low latency, and scalability.  The course will cover the core concepts of Pulsar, its architecture, key features, and practical use cases.  Through a mix of lectures, hands-on labs, and real-world scenarios, you will gain the skills to install, configure, and operate Pulsar in production environments.

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  • Developers interested in building real-time applications
  • Data engineers working with streaming data pipelines
  • System administrators responsible for deploying and managing messaging systems
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  • Introduction to Messaging Systems
  • What is Apache Pulsar?
  • Key Features and Benefits of Pulsar (compared to other messaging systems)
  • Use Cases for Apache Pulsar
  • Deep Dive into Pulsar Components:
    • Brokers
    • Bookies (Apache BookKeeper)
    • ZooKeeper
    • Clients (Producers and Consumers)
  • Publish-Subscribe Model with Pulsar Topics and Queues
  • Subscription Types (Exclusive, Shared, Failover)
  • Message Delivery Semantics (At-most-once, At-least-once)
  • Setting Up a Development Environment
  • Installing Pulsar with Docker
  • Standalone vs. Clustered Deployments
  • Configuration Management (Broker Configuration, Security Settings)
  • Creating and Managing Topics and Queues
  • Producing and Consuming Messages (Command-line tools, Client Libraries)
  • Schema Registry for Data Serialization
  • Schema Validation and Evolution
  • Pulsar Functions: Stream Processing on the Fly
  • SQL Support with Pulsar SQL
  • Geo-Replication for Disaster Recovery
  • Security in Pulsar: Authentication and Authorization
  • Monitoring Pulsar with Pulsar Metrics
  • Performance Optimization Techniques
  • Scaling Pulsar for High Throughput
  • Building a Streaming Data Pipeline with Pulsar
  • Integrating Pulsar with Apache Kafka (if applicable)
  • Troubleshooting Common Pulsar Issues
  • Pulsar Interceptors and Plugins
  • Pulsar Connectors for Data Integration
  • Pulsar in Cloud Environments
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  • Basic understanding of distributed systems concepts
  • Familiarity with programming languages (e.g., Java, Python)


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