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NiFi for Developers

Gain in depth understanding in NiFi


2 Days


Intermediate Level

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The program is focussed on providing experience necessary to automate the Dataflows. The participants will ingress data, build flows, apply transformations, and egress data using Apache NiFi. Below are detailed objectives –

  • Explain how FlowFiles, processors, process groups, controllers, and connections work together to define a NiFi dataflow Navigate, configure dataflows, and use dataflow information with the NiFi User Interface
  • Trace the life of data, its origin, transformation and destination, using data provenance
  • Organize and simplify Dataflows
  • Manage Dataflow versions using the NiFi Registry
  • Use the NiFi Expression Language to control Dataflows
  • Describe Dataflow optimization methods
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This course is designed for : 

  • Application developers, Data Engineers, DevOps engineers, Architects, QAs, Technical Managers
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  • What is Apache NiFi
  • Why Apache NiFi
  • Key Features of NiFi
  • Limitations of NiFi
  • Terms and Concepts
  • The NiFi User Interface
  • Sample NiFi Flows
  • Overview of Configuring Flow
  • NiFi vs Kafka Connect
  • NiFi vs Sqoop
  • NiFi vs Spark
  • NiFi Logical Architecture
  • NiFi Physical Architecture
  • Roles and Responsibilities of various Daemons including Zookeeper
  • NiFi Key Components
  • NiFi Registry
  • About NiFi Toolkit
  • Developer Responsibilities & Scope w.r.t. NiFi
  • Overview of Processors
  • Processor Surface Panel
  • Processor Configuration Panel
  • Anatomy of a Connection
  • Connection Configuration Panel
  • Connector Pop-Up Menu
  • Build a Dataflow
  • Command and Control of a Dataflow
  • Processor Relationships
  • Back Pressure
  • Prioritizers
  • Labels
  • NiFi Expression Language
  • Overview
  • Syntax
  • Expression Language Editor
  • Setting Conditional Values
  • Performance Tuning
  • NiFi Dataflow Optimization
  • Control Rate
  • Managing Compute
  • Managing Backlog
  • Anatomy of Process Group
  • Input and Output Ports
  • Data Provenance Events
  • FlowFile Lineage
  • Replaying a FlowFile
  • Templates Overview
  • Managing Templates
  • Using the Registry
  • FlowFile Attribute Overview
  • Routing on Attributes
  • Flow Configurations
  • Controller Services Overview
  • Common Controller Services
  • NiFi Integration Architecture
  • NiFi Ecosystem Processors
  • A Closer Look at NiFi and Apache Kafka
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Participants should preferably have basic knowledge of SQL, Scala/Java and Unix commands


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