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Docker & Kubernetes

Learn Docker and Kubernetes to run your Cloud Native Applications


5 Days


Intermediate Level

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During this instructor-led, hands-on course, you will learn to:

  • Understand containerization concepts and its benefits.
  • Identify containers which you can use with your development.
  • Containerize your business applications and share.
  • Managing a multi container environment.
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This course is designed for application developers, QAs, architects, DevOps engineers who want to design or develop secure applications/products.

The intended audience for this course:

  • Application Developers
  • Quality Assurance
  • Architects
  • System Engineers
  • Technical Managers
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  • What is DevOps?
  • Need of DevOps
  • DevOps benefit
  • CI pipeline overview
  • CD overview
  • DevOps overview
  • What are containers?
  • Container role in delivery pipeline
  • Background and History
  • Physical Machines vs VM vs Containers
  • Docker architecture
  • Docker taxonomy
  • Docker and its use case 
  • Using images available on Container registry
  • Creating image from your container
  • Creating image recipe – dockerfile
  • Containerize and share your business application
  • Hands-on Exercise(s) 
  • Understand docker registry
  • Pushing image and sharing
  • Identifying qualified images for your need
  • Hands-on Exercise(s) 
  • Container Orchestration
  • Docker compose
  • Purpose of using Volumes
  • Data access in Docker
  • Important command
  • How to create container with volumes 
  • Understanding optimization techniques
  • Learning benefits along with optimization steps
  • What is container networking
  • Container networking overview
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Why Kubernetes
  • Architecture
  • Kubernetes core concepts
    • ETCD
    • Kube-API Server
    • Kube Controller Manager
    • Kube Scheduler
    • Kubelet
    • Kube Proxy
    • Pods
    • ReplicaSets
    • Deployments
    • Namespaces
    • Services
    • Imperative vs Declarative
    • Kubectl Apply Command
  • Creating cluster with Minikube
  • Checking out cluster
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
  • Understanding the Kubernetes networking model
  • Kubernetes networking versus Docker networking
  • Kubernetes network plugins
  • Basic Linux networking 
  • IP addresses and ports 
  • Pod networking
  • Container networking interface
  • Hands-on Exercise(s)
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Attendees should be familiar with developing professional apps in any of the programming languages like Java, .NET, C#, Python, Node or other major programming languages. Participants are required to have a laptop/computer with unobstructed internet access to fully participate in the class.


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