Kubernetes Deep Dive
Containerize your application to get the advantage of the functionality without worrying about the actual setup of the system.
5 Day
Intermediate Level
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As per your team needs
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The objective of this course is to ensure that participants who have familiarity with docker and Kubernetes are able to successfully build up on that knowledge and ramp up on advanced concepts like container patterns, security, resource management, scaling and managed Kubernetes in Cloud.
During this instructor-led, hands-on course, participants will learn to:
- Understand container patterns
- Cluster and namespace level resource management
- Scaling and securing Kubernetes cluster
- Get overview of Kubernetes service on AWS
- Managing microservices based application with Helm
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This course is designed for application developers, DevOps engineers, Architects, QAs, Technical Managers.
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- Monolith
- Microservices
- Stateful vs Stateless Application
- Cloud Native Application
- Service Discovery
- Why and What
- Images, Containers and Registers
- Architecture
- Docker CLI
- DockerFile
- DocekFile Lab
- What and Why
- Sidecar pattern
- Phases and status of Pods
- Types of Containers in Pod
- Pod Lab
- ReplicaSet
- ReplicaSet Lab
- What and Why
- K8s Service Discovery
- Types of services in K8s
- How Load Balancer Services works
- Service Lab
- What and Why
- Journey of deployment lifecycle
- Deployment Descriptor
- Deployment Lab
- What and Why
- Different Volume Types
- Config Map
- K8s Secret
- Volumes Lab
- What and Why
- LifeCycle of claim
- Using PVC
- Types of PVC
- Access Modes
- Persistent Volume Lab
- What and Why
- Journey of Stateful Set
- Upgrade strategy inside statefulset
- Use cases of statefulset
- Statefulset Lab
- Why and What
- Proxy
- Ingress Controllers
- Ingress Types
- Ingress Lab
- Readyness Probe
- Liveness Probe
- Probes Lab
- Affinity
- NodeSelector
- Affininty Lab
- Namespace
- Quota
- Limits
- Requests and Limits Lab
- What and Why
- HPA Lab
- VPA Lab
- What and Why
- DaemonSet
- DaemonSet Lab
- What and Why RBAC
- Authentcationa nd Authorization
- Roles, Cluster Role
- Role Binding and Cluster Role Binding
- What and Why security context
- How to define security context for a pod
- RBAC and Security Lab
- What and Why Job, CronJob
- Use Case of Kubernetes CronJobs and Jobs
- CronJobs and Jobs Lab
- What and Why Monitoring
- Monitoring in K8s
- What is Prometheus
- Exporters
- Prometheus integration with Kubernetes
- Graphana dashboard Setup
- What is Log Monitoring
- Why do we need log monitoring in K8s
- Solutions for log monitoring in K8s
- What is ElasticSearch
- Eluentd
- Kibana
- Integration of ElasticSearch, Fluentd, and Kibana
- Charts
- Repositories
- Release
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Understanding of containerization and docker (i.e. ability to build an image with dockerfile, tag/push/pull images, run containers, docker cli)
- Understanding of basic K8s concepts (i.e. pod, service, deployment, configmap and probes)
- Attendees should have coding experience and familiarity with build tools, source management with git, branching, automated testing, build and deployment automation
- Basic aptitude with shell
- Participants are required to have a laptop/computer with unobstructed internet access to fully participate in the class